Life. Love. Food

Tag: Githeri recipe

Curry & Garam Masala Githeri

I really love githeri!!! Like, really really! I know some of you are reading this thinking I am crazy, or lying, or both :D, but the heart loves what it loves. While some of you totally feel me on this! I know you feel me on the magnificence of githeri! I know you feel me on how seriously it slaps especially when cooked right! I know you understand how perfect it is when served with some delicious, huge, creamy avocado. Githeri is a whole mood! A vibe! A positive state of mind!

I have prepared it in so many different ways in the past- be it with coconut cream, or whole sage and garlic or with ginger and pepper; but whichever way you go, it is always so bomb! For today my curry and garam masala githeri <3

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Coconut cream & Oregano Githeri

My younger sister, Kadesa, finds it so weird whenever I say I am Kraving githeri. She finds it so so so weird that I actually enjoy githeri. She does not find githeri any way exciting because of how frequently we had it in boarding school, same way I deeply dislike cabbage because of high school. Different folks, different strokes, right? I love anything with beans, and githeri is right up there among the things I love! I could eat it everyday of the week! But you know what’s even more exciting? That it can be prepared in 6 million different ways with each recipe bringing out its beauty in a unique, exciting way!

For today, I hope you truly enjoy my coconut cream and oregano githeri as much as I did <3. I made a beautiful short video on the same, but first, lets get into detail!


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Chili and Ginger Githeri

I am one of those people who can never EVER miss githeri when it is cooked. It’s almost an obsession. Ask my sisters, I absolutely love githeri. When I tell this to people, I get that look as though I just said I love eating kittens, live ones, in a graveyard, while chanting sacrilegious hymns of an extinct tribe . This may be because majority are yet to have that deliciously celestial githeri-eating experience. But I will give you one..

One of my earliest recipes on this blog was that of githeri, where I prepared it with coconut cream and curry which brought our its softer elements. You can get that recipe here. This time, I am using stronger flavors of chilli and ginger which brings out its more savory side. There is more than one way of preparing anything. And that is what makes cooking very exciting and a constant adventure. Do not allow your self to cook one meal the exact same way for all the days of your life. You will be missing out!

To warm you up as days get colder: Chilli and Ginger Githeri

chili and garlic githeri by top kenyan food blogger kaluhi adagala_kenyan food


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