wa! wa! wa! wa! wa!


I have always very honestly spoken about moments recipes backfire on me. I detailed some of my fails on this post but trust me, there are many more LOL! The first time I tried making vitumbua, they failed their way straight to hot hell. They did not even hold together, they were just a pulverized, oily, cat-food-esq disaster. I was sad, not only coz of the backfiring, but because I wasted my afternoon and nothing fruitful came out of my effort. But you know what, my mama never raised a quiter y’all! I went through every little step I made and realized I made about 4 mistakes, not even 1, THREE mistakes hence the initial first disastrous recipe. I gave this another shot and they turned out pretty well! And here we are now! With a new recipe, a new video and plenty of lessons learnt. To you too, when you fail kidogo in the kitchen, get right back up. It happens to everyone and no one reading my blog should give up easily. No sir!

Without further ado, my nutmeg and clove vitumbua! <3

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