If you have read 30 random things about me, I have pointed out that I am a really frugal spender. This means that I do not mind spending on my self, but I especially like to do so when I can save a few coins in the process. Do you ever walk in town and pass outside posh hotels and wonder how it would feel to dine there? I do that all the time! I imagine how the food would taste, how the ambiance would feel and even what I would wear LOL! But thanks to Rupu, all this is possible! You get to dine at the best restaurants in town, walk in as though you run this  and save a pretty penny in the process. Win-Win!

Here is my Sankara Experience courtesy of RUPU.

Best Nairobi Restaurants_Lunch at Sankara courtesy of RUPU Kenya as reviewed by kaluhi adagala of kaluhiskitchen.com

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