It is not a secret that my most favorite place in the entire world is Maragoli. It is where my mind completely rests; and as someone with mild anxiety and a constantly ticking mind, that’s a huge thing. It is a place I find absolute peace. It is where I know I am completely safe and overflowingly loved. The emerald hills are story-book pretty and everyone is so warm and kind. One of the things I really love about finally growing up is the ability to drive out whenever I want. And because my work can be done form everywhere, I try be away from Nairobi as often as I can. I am writing this post from the back yard. My parents have since returned to Nairobi, but I chose to stay for an extra week and a half. It is peaceful. It is still. And I am happy. I will finish writing this and then set up my canvas and paint in the afternoon before the evening storms set in. This right here, is my dream life and I am living it!!

I had photographed this in my Nairobi home before driving out and found it fitting to complete this blogpost about a much beloved vegetable. Today is Monday and it is Market day at Mudete and I think I will pass by and buy a bunch and cook some using this recipe coz remembering how bomb this recipe was is making me drool! The recipe is very simple, with a #KK twist you will for sure love!

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