“Nataka Banana Bread. Nimakie!”

“Haujamake egg curry in a long time, siumake?”

“Nikikuletea viatu zako basi this weekend umake meatballs..”

Life with siblings… At home, every request I make of them is usually fulfilled after a trade off of what I will make. My youngest sibling in particular has mastered this! To me, she is my ‘slave’ I send her for everything from water to calling her to hand me my spectacles that are three steps away looool! That is what younger siblings are for, right?To, her I am a food manufacturer, her feeder;  lol. But I do not blame her, my food is just too ****ing bomb! It’s a fair trade off. Kinda…. Today’s recipe is here because of her. She has been craving some for a long time and I took the chance to develop a new one. This is about to be your next addiction!! My garlic tandoori masala meatballs will take you to the moon and back!

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